If you are in secondary school or sixth form, you are invited to the GLOW Deanery Youth Event on Saturday 29th March from 12:30 PM to 6:30 PM at St. Benedict’s Catholic School, Bury St. Edmunds.
The day is led by The Ignite Team and will include activities, talks, social time, Adoration, Mass, and more!
Please bring your own packed lunch, there is a £5 optional contribution to help cover costs.
Register by scanning the QR code on the poster or online at www.rcdea.org.uk/youth/events. Come along for a time of fellowship with other young Catholics to grow in faith this Lent!
“The Heart of Good Health: Supporting the Whole Person in Local Communities - A Webinar hosted by the Las Casas Institute, Blackfriars, Oxford will take place on Thursday 3 April from 6.30 - 7.45pm.
“As the personal, social and economic costs of current approaches to healthcare rise, causing distress to patients and healthcare professionals, this webinar brings together experts and concerned individuals from the health service, the churches, and public life, to explore what a Catholic vision of the human person in society offers as an alternative in terms of public policy and local initiatives….”
(Independent Catholic News, Source: Caritas Internationalis, 6 Mar. 2025 For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51872
Keep the date free! Chat & catch up with friends
Please support – we look forward to seeing lots of you there! If you can’t make it, donations for the raffle are always welcome!
Sign up sheets will be available at both churches nearer the date, to help with catering.
If you think you would like to get involved, please talk to Chris, Mary or Yolande at Mildenhall or Jo, Jo, or Angie at Brandon. New members of the team are always welcome.
“The Catholic Charismatic family across the Diocese of East Anglia is warmly invited to a special gathering with Bishop Peter on Saturday, 12 April, at The Cathedral of St John the Baptist, Norwich. [10:30 am start – 3:00 pm Closing Prayer]
Diocese of East Anglia, Charlie Bohan-Hurst, 10 Feb. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/charismatic-gathering-with-bishop-peter-at-cathedral/
“… from Norwich to Nottingham in September 2025, a faith-filled journey uniting Catholics in prayer, fellowship, and pilgrimage to mark the 2025 Jubilee Year.
“…Pope Francis has encouraged Catholics to embrace pilgrimage as a means of rediscovering silence, simplicity, and the deep meaning of faith. Whether you walk a single day or the full route, this journey offers an opportunity to experience the richness of pilgrimage, share fellowship with fellow Catholics, and deepen your relationship with Christ….”
Diocese of East Anglia, Charlie Bohan-Hurst, 6 Mar. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/join-the-national-jubilee-pilgrimage-of-hope/
“…Cardinal Patriarch said every believer in Christ must realize that ‘violent words of rancour and hatred, the presumptuous speeches of conflict and recrimination cannot prevent God from speaking the word of reconciliation in Christ: Ave Crux, spes unica!’ He urges Christians to look to the Cross of Christ, which represents the heart of Easter and the hope of the world, especially in times of war, selfishness, and violence.
“Lent, he said, represents an ever-renewed opportunity to receive the gift of grace and forgiveness, as we experience the desert alongside Jesus….”
(Independent Catholic News, Source: Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, 6 Mar. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51874
“…The final keynote speaker … emphasised that placing Scripture at the heart of Catholic education is about ‘meaning, not just interpretation.’ He described the Bible as a gift to the world, meant to be shared with everyone-including those who learn and work in Catholic schools. [He] highlighted that Scripture provides a lifelong source of strength in the face of life's challenges and serves as a constant reminder of the fundamental importance of justice….“
(Independent Catholic News, Source: ATCRE, 7 Mar. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51879
“Share the good news this Easter with brand new children’s booklets It’s All True! He’s Risen for You!(primary school age) and It’s Going to be Fine (An Easter Rhyme) (toddler age). Both booklets have accompanying children’s Easter activity sheets, free to download.“
Annual Summary of Parish Finances is displayed on our notice board at the back of both Churches.
Thank you for your continued and generous financial support of our Parish.
Sunday offertory gifts (Bread & wine) and collection are a symbol of our participation in the Salvific mysteries of Jesus enacted in the Holy Sacrifice. Traditionally, we support the mission and activities of the church by giving a contribution from our hard work.
Your offertory donations are important and make up the largest source of Parish income.
Many of you, in fact generously contribute to build up the church either by Direct Debit or Standing orders.
It is also appreciated, if you could offer a small amount (even a coin) during Sunday Mass as a sign and symbol of our consecration and participation in the Sacrifice.
A reminder of the options for making offertory and second collection donations: -
Gift Aid. Those in the Gift Aid scheme who donate electronically or by cheque will have their donations readily credited to their Gift Aid account. However, if you make cash donations, you will need to put it in an envelope with your name OR your Gift Aid number. (Contact Philip if you are not sure what it is).
Message to Gift Aid Donors
The Parish is required to inform you of the following: The Parish will be making its annual Gift Aid rebate claim and is claiming tax on your behalf on the basis you are paying UK income or capital gains tax, unless you advise the contrary. Gift Aid donors are requested to advise if they are no longer paying UK tax or if you have changed address.
Many thanks for your continued support of the Gift Aid Scheme which provides the Parish with significant additional income at no extra cost.
Philip Kemp, Parish Treasurer & Gift Aid Organiser, pjkemp1@gmail.com
Parish Bank Account details:
Account Name: Brandon & Mildenhall Catholic Parish
Lloyds Bank, Sort Code: 30-98-58 A/C No: 00489176
Contact: Philip Kemp, Parish Treasurer Tel 07514430468 Email pjkemp1@gmail.com
“Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has helped the Church in Ukraine provide emergency aid, pastoral support, trauma healing and other assistance to those fleeing the horrors of war over the past three years. The charity has funded 977 projects worth more than £20 million (€25.2 million) since 24th February 2022.…”
(Independent Catholic News, Amy Balog, Source: Aid to the Church in Need, 20 Feb. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51766
Find out how you can get involve“…'Caritas Internationalis deplores the wave of drastic cuts to international development assistance that is sweeping through the world's richest countries. The UK's decision to cut its aid budget by 40% is just the latest display of cruel indifference to the poorest billion people in the world who face war, famine and dehumanising poverty. This will kill millions and betrays hundreds of millions more who will suffer greatly as a result….”
(Independent Catholic News, Source: Caritas Internationalis, 28 Feb. 2025 For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51823d in our church community, from volunteering to joining a small group. We welcome everyone to come as they are and get connected.
“On Tuesday the Prime Minister announced that the aid budget will be cut again, meaning that it will be at its lowest level since 1999.
“The result will be that in some of the most vulnerable places on earth, more people will die and many more will lose their livelihoods….Please contact your MP urgently and ask them to take action to ensure that the UK does not turn its back on those most in need.
See: https://action.cafod.org.uk/page/166896/action/1 “
(Independent Catholic News, Source: CAFOD, 27 Feb. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51816
1. How do you think parish structures and practices need to evolve to best serve the mission of the Church, that is, sharing the Gospel in a society which is forgetting its Christian roots more and more?
You will need to reflect both on how your parish community has changed over the past twenty-five years and what it realistically might look like in ten year’s time, with the help of the document sent with these questions.
2. How can we foster and sustain a deeper personal relationship with Christ within the communion of the Church, both in our local parish and as part of the Diocese?
What can be done to ensure that young and old alike can better live their everyday lives as ‘intentional’ disciples, that is, followers of Jesus Christ who embrace His teaching and become capable of sharing a living Catholic faith with others?
3. Being realistic about our resources, both human and financial, what concrete steps do you think should be taken in your parish to address present and future needs?
You should think about:-
How the Diocese, your neighbouring parishes, and the different congregations within our own parish (those who attend different Masses that are celebrated) can help you overcome challenges and create opportunities.
How individual members of your parish community can be appropriately enabled to contribute to the demanding work of change and development?
Please send your responses soonest to bmrcparish@priest.com . See the document provided separately (when available) in the Special Notices section of the Parish Newsletter page on our website.
“Challenge yourself and take on The Big Lent Walk! Walk when and where you choose over 40 days, alone or with friends. Raise money to help people as they overcome poverty.
Sign up today at https://walk.cafod.org.uk/#gridContent “
“…Holy Father Pope Francis recognises three ways in which God remains close to those who are suffering. A time of suffering can be time of close encounter with God….
"We can see from Scripture that Christ and his disciples spent much time with those who were sick in different ways.…
"...our experience of suffering can become a gift by which we receive a deeper understanding and experience of God’s faithful love for us in all circumstances….
"...times of sickness can create space for the sharing of love and care that can deepen our relationships with others….”
The Catholic Church, Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, 11 Feb. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.cbcew.org.uk/bishop-paul-mason-reiterates-the-importance-of-palliative-care-on-world-day-of-the-sick/
“In the second part of his article, Seeing God’s Hand at Work in My Life, Fr Alvan reflects on recognising God’s presence and guidance in every aspect of life, especially during challenges. Drawing inspiration from a friend’s story, he declares God’s presence can be seen in all circumstances if we choose to look….
“Do you have a story to share? Feel free to do so at alvan.ibeh@rcdea.org.uk. Hearing how God has moved in other people’s lives can help you recognise His work in your own life. I pray that 2025 you will see God’s hand in every situation. Amen.
“You can stay connected with my messages of hope on social media: Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram (@voiceofhopefamily). To get a copy of my book, “A Fountain of Hope,” visit this link, also available on Amazon.”
Diocese of East Anglia, Charlie Bohan-Hurst, 17 Feb. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/fr-alvan-ibeh-seeing-gods-hand-at-work-in-my-life-2/
Come to “Don’t forget the Holy Spirit”, a day of renewal at St Laurence’s Church, Milton Road, Cambridge.
1st March 2025 10:00 – 16:00 with Guest speakers Fr Matt Anscombe & Caroline Sadd.
The day includes Mass (10:30), praise & worship, inspiring talks, real-life accounts of transformation, reconciliation, exposition & prayer ministry.
Please bring a packed lunch. Tea and Coffee will be available.
For more info email: renewaleastanglia@gmail.com or phone Pam Smith: 07869652115
“The Caritas in East Anglia Festival brought together individuals and organisations dedicated to social outreach on 8 February 2025 at Holy Family Church, King’s Lynn....
[The Festival] served as a powerful reminder of the strength found in community and the shared mission of bringing hope to those in need. By gathering under one roof in faith and service, those present reaffirmed their commitment to working together for the common good, ensuring that no one in society is left without support or hope.
Diocese of East Anglia, Charlie Bohan-Hurst, 14 Feb. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/caritas-festival-celebrates-charity-and-community/
The Parish Winter Warmer Lunch last Sunday raised £831.50!!!
This is a great boost to our Parish funds but more than that, it brought people from both ends of the parish together to socialise and enjoy a great meal. It was lovely to see people smiling & chatting to old friends – exactly what our fundraisers are about.
Great thanks must go to the hardworking team who provided the food on the day – Alan & Mary for cooking the main courses and Liz & Yolande for desserts. It was all delicious, as usual.
Mary made the church space look so inviting with her lovely table settings. John did a great job of keeping people’s glasses filled from the bar and then Mary provided tea & coffee before people went on their way! Liz & Alan carried on slogging away in the kitchen and did the tidying & washing up too – they were very busy people that day!
Thanks must go too to Jo, Jo & Angie for coordinating things in Brandon & selling squares. A list of prizewinners can be found at both churches.
Going forward, the consensus seems to be that lunchtime events are the most popular so keep an eye open for our next Sunday event, date TBC.
There has been interest expressed in a curry lunch so watch.
If you would like to join the team or have ideas that you are happy to help us implement, please let one of us know. New members to the team are always welcome.
“Catholics from East Anglia are planning to join a crowd of over 3,000 people at the forthcoming Evangelisation & Culture Conference hosted by the ‘Word on Fire’ Catholic ministry on February 21-22, 2025 at the Excel Centre, London….
“The theme of the conference is The Bible. Word on Fire’s Brenden Thompson said: ’To proclaim Christ in the culture, we must know Christ; and to know Christ, we must know Scripture. As St. Jerome observed, “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ”.’…”
(Diocese of East Anglia, Keith Morris, 5 Dec. 2024. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/east-anglia-invite-to-join-word-on-fire-conference/
“The Diocese of East Anglia Listening and Prayer Ministry offers compassionate, faith-based support to adults in need, providing trained Helpers and ongoing support. Marriage and Family Life Coordinator, Dr Antonia Braithwaite reports….
“The Helpers are highly skilled in listening and prayer, aiming to bring comfort, healing, and a deeper connection to Christ…Meetings are available either via Zoom or, where possible, in person, held in parish or religious house meeting rooms. Each session lasts up to an hour, and individuals may attend up to six sessions,…”
Diocese of East Anglia, Charlie Bohan-Hurst, 3 Feb. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/listening-and-prayer-ministry-meet-with-new-chaplain/
“…Pope Francis focuses on the foundation of human relationships. God asks: 'Where is your brother Abel?' and Cain answers: 'Am I my brother's keeper?' (Gen 4:9).
“This question, says Pope Francis, does not give us the choice to remain indifferent. It is an appeal to each one of us to participate in creating a culture of mutual care and solidarity, in imitation of the Good Samaritan; for we are all neighbours, brothers and sisters. We are all jointly responsible for bringing about a society that promotes the 'integral development of the whole person and of all the peoples.'...”
(Independent Catholic News, Dr Frances Image,7 Feb. 2025 For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51677
“On 1 February, the Diocese of East Anglia gathered for a deeply significant moment of spiritual renewal and fellowship. The Mass for Religious, held at the Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Norwich, brought together priests, brothers, and sisters from across the Diocese in a unique and poignant celebration of consecrated life….
“The Diocese of East Anglia, like many others, faces challenges regarding the future of religious life. The number of Religious within the region has been steadily declining,...
“The celebration served as a spiritual reinforcement for those who have dedicated their lives to God’s service. In a world where religious vocations are increasingly rare, the commitment of these men and women stands as a beacon of faith and dedication. Their presence in the Diocese is not only a testament to their own vocations but also a sign of hope for the wider Church in East Anglia….
“As East Anglia’s Religious look to the future, they do so with a firm trust in God’s providence, confident in the hope that their presence and mission will continue to bear fruit in the years to come.”
Diocese of East Anglia, Charlie Bohan-Hurst, 5 Feb. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/a-celebration-of-religious-life/
Time to renew - OR BEGIN – your 50-50 club membership for 2025. £13 a year per number. Take a chance on more than one number. Half of the proceeds are distributed to monthly winners and half helps fund the church.
Many Thanks. (contact <bernard.camenzuli50@gmail.com> or Fr Anil)
“…Fr Toby exposes the ways the attention economy hijacks our focus, leading to distraction, "brain rot," and a loss of deeper meaning. Discover powerful strategies to reclaim your attention, foster authentic connections, and find joy beyond the scroll.
Watch the discussion here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH-2-b_uB-c
(Independent Catholic News, 27 Jan. 2025 For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51599
“The Diocese of East Anglia wishes to remind parishioners and the wider community that the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill 2024-25, which proposes the legalisation of assisted suicide for terminally ill adults under specific circumstances, has issued a call for evidence….
“The Catholic Church upholds the sanctity and dignity of all human life, recognising life as a gift from God. Bishop Peter’s remarks serve as a call to engage thoughtfully and prayerfully with this debate, which touches the most profound questions of human existence. As the Committee stage approaches, parishioners are encouraged to make their voices heard while there is still time.
“More information on the Bill and how to submit evidence can accessed here.”
Diocese of East Anglia, Charlie Bohan-Hurst, 20 Jan. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/end-of-life-bill-final-call-for-evidence/
“Caritas East Anglia is set to host a festival celebrating social action initiatives in King’s Lynn on Saturday, 8 February 2025, with a mass led by Bishop Peter Collins.
“The event will take place at Holy Family Church, 34 Field Lane, King’s Lynn PE30 4AY, from 09:30 to 12:00, bringing together organisations and volunteers engaged in charitable work across the region.
“The festival will open with a Mass at 9:30am for the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita, said by Bishop Peter Collins. St Josephine Bakhita, the patron saint of victims of modern slavery and human trafficking, serves as a powerful symbol for the work being carried out by many of the groups attending the festival….”
Diocese of East Anglia, Charlie Bohan-Hurst, 31 Jan. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/caritas-festival-to-celebrate-social-action-in-kings-lynn/
This SATURDAY we pray for the VICTIMS OF TRAFFICKING AND SLAVERY as we celebrate the FEAST OF ST. JOSEPHINE BAKHITA, a Sudanese woman who was canonised by Pope St John Paul II in 2000. Aged seven in 1877, Josephine was kidnapped and sold into slavery. Josephine would remain a slave until the age of 30 when she eventually entered the religious life in Italy.
The number of enslaved souls currently estimated to be living all around East Anglia is 5,000. In 2022, 746 souls were actually found in modern slavery in the Diocese. The remainder were not found. They are still enslaved, yearning for us to find them. Pope Francis wants us to "find" enslaved people. All that means is learning (simply) to spot the signs and safely report them to the Modern Slavery Helpline 08000 121 700.
The new group is looking for young & older volunteers to join the group of Freedom Watchers. Please contact john_simong@hotmail.com to discuss volunteering.
No previous knowledge or experience is required, just a wish to end slavery in our Diocese. Please read the Modern Slavery leaflet available in your church, on our parish website in the Special Notices section of the Newsletter page, or online along with much more information at https://www.rcdea.org.uk/caritas-east-anglia/modern-slavery/ or search RCDEA slavery.
The Norwich Justice and Peace group are hosting a Presentation on Modern Slavery at 7:15 pm on 6th February. You are invited https://www.youtube.com/@JandPNorwich . A recording will be posted.
Director of Schools’ Service, Diocese of East Anglia [Permanent]
“Speaking at the Parliamentary launch of a new Bishops' Conference Social Justice Department document, Bishop Moth emphasized that an effective criminal justice system must honour the innate dignity of every human being, and further the common good….
“He added: ‘For a long time, the Catholic Church in this country has promoted the common good…Our Catholic vision means that justice needs to be restorative. It includes care for victims, appropriate punishment for offenders, and then rehabilitation to reform prisoners and give them the chance at redemption. Punishment might be a vote winner but it does not promote the common good. We need just punishment.’…"
(Independent Catholic News, Source: CBCEW, 17 Jan. 2025 For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51532
“In her Faith In The Home column, Marriage and Family Life Coordinator at the Diocese of East Anglia, Dr Antonia Braithwaite encourages us to focus on spiritual self-improvement alongside physical wellness. Dr Braithwaite suggests setting practical, achievable goals and integrating positive habits into daily life….
“A good exercise is to sit down with a pen and paper and jot down five goals that are practical and conducive to spiritual growth, and also how you can achieve them….”
Diocese of East Anglia, Charlie Bohan-Hurst, 14 Jan. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/new-year-new-me-simple-steps-to-spiritual-wellness/
In honour of the Presentation of the Lord on 2nd February – the World day of Prayer for Consecrated Life - could you help a new, growing, religious community?
The Community of Our Lady of Walsingham seeks donations to establish a mission house in Walsingham where they can expand their work of spiritual accompaniment, hospitality and supporting young people to grow in faith.
The community will pray for all benefactors and are grateful for donations of any amount which can be made at www.walsinghamcommunity.org/maryshouseappeal
Web: www.walsinghamcommunity.org Tel 01362 692574
On Sunday, 26 January 2025, the Diocese of East Anglia will join Catholics worldwide in celebrating the sixth Sunday of the Word of God. This annual event, instituted by Pope Francis in 2019 through his apostolic letter Aperuit illis, highlights the central role of Sacred Scripture in the life of the Church.
“This year’s theme, ‘I hope in your Word’ (Psalm 119:74), invites all to reflect on the hope and guidance the Bible offers in the Christian journey….
“In our diocese, parishes are encouraged to embrace this day with creativity and prayer, underscoring the transformative power of God’s Word….
“The Dicastery for Evangelization has issued a handbook intended to help and be offered to parish communities and those gathered for Sunday’s Eucharistic celebration. The handbook can be accessed and downloaded here. …”
Diocese of East Anglia, Charlie Bohan-Hurst, 17 Jan. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/sunday-of-the-word-of-god-26-january-2025/
“Chair of the Catholic Education Service, Rt Rev Marcus Stock, has invited all Catholic schools in England and Wales to join together as pilgrims of hope in the Jubilee Year of 2025, reports Jane Crone from CAFOD in East Anglia….
“During the Jubilee year, the whole school community are invited to stand in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities, sharing hope that’s rooted in love, deepening faith, and taking action to build a better world for everyone….
“There are three key dates throughout the year for schools to celebrate the Jubilee year together. Make sure to mark them in your calendar!
“Launch Day Jan 24, 2025 – embark on a shared journey and mark this Holy Year as a significant and memorable moment.
“Pledge Day June/July 2025 – make a Jubilee Pledge, a long-term commitment to the common good and look outwards, advancing justice and harmony.
“Celebration Day Nov 21, 2025 – celebrating all that was achieved together during the Jubilee year and looking to the future with hope!...
“…contact Jane Crone jcrone@cafod.org.uk ….”
Diocese of East Anglia, Keith Morris, 2 Jan. 2025. For the full article, see
“Fr Alvan Ibeh’s article,… reflects on recognising God’s presence and guidance in every aspect of life, especially during challenges….we cannot predict how [this year] will unfold. Some of us may not make it to the year’s end. For some, this journey may be turbulent; for others, it may turn out to be one of the most remarkable years of their lives. Regardless of what 2025 holds, we can place our trust in God,…
“Do you understand that when you are at your lowest, God is still at work, orchestrating everything for your ultimate good, in line with His divine purpose? Recognising God’s hand in our lives often means discerning His presence, guidance, and blessings in our everyday experiences….”
Diocese of East Anglia, Charlie Bohan-Hurst, 14 Jan. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/fr-alvan-ibeh-seeing-gods-hand-at-work-in-my-life/
“… at St Laurence’s Church, [91 Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1XB] … on Saturday, March 1, 2025 [10:00-16:00]. This inspiring event will be led by Fr Matt Anscombe and Caroline Sadd, both of the Clifton Diocese and Don’t Forget the Holy Spirit Ministries….
“This day is designed to enrich and renew the faith of all attendees, empowering us as God’s people to follow Christ more closely and share His Good News with the world….
“For more information, contact Pam Smith at 07869 652115 or email renewaleastanglia@gmail.com....”
Diocese of East Anglia, Charlie Bohan-Hurst, 7 Jan. 2025. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/catholics-in-east-anglia-invited-to-day-of-renewal/
“…Pope Francis remarked that ‘… it is evident that in today’s world democracy, let’s face it, is not in good health.’
“Whatever your political perspective, there are few who would disagree looking at the political events of the past few weeks in particular. One could even argue that we have reached a point in the general social order where the fundamental good of man is now at stake, and society is moving close to a tipping point from which it may be extremely hard to reconstruct a state resembling order, solidarity and mutual co-operation….”
(The Catholic Directory, Joseph Kelly, 9 July 2024) See full article at https://www.thecatholicdirectory.co.uk/places/as-uk-enters-new-political-era-its-time-to-put-catholic-social-teaching-into-practice/
“Catholic social teaching (CST) is rooted in Scripture, formed by the wisdom of Church leaders, and influenced by grassroots movements. It is our moral compass, guiding us on how to live out our faith in the world.
“…some of the CST principles which inspire our work:
“Our faith calls us to love God and to love our neighbours in every situation, especially our sisters and brothers living in poverty. Following in the footsteps of Christ, we hope to make present in our unjust and broken world, the justice, love and peace of God.
“What are the principles of Catholic social teaching?
“Modern Catholic social teaching is said to have originated in 1891 with the encyclical letter, Rerum Novarum. Since then, a wealth of teaching continues to give new life to the Scriptures and shape the Church’s response to our modern world. From these Catholic social teaching documents and encyclicals we derive core principles….
“We believe very human person is made in the image and likeness of God. This is a gift that we all share as fellow human beings; we are all infinitely loved by our Creator.
“God is present in every human person, regardless of religion, culture, nationality, orientation or economic standing. Each one of us is unique and beautiful. We are called to treat every person and every creature with loving respect….
“Solidarity arises when we remember that we belong to each other. We reflect on this in a special way at Mass. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, ‘The Eucharist commits us to the poor. To receive in truth the Body and Blood of Christ given up for us, we must recognise Christ in the poorest.’…
"Common good
“The common good means that the fruits of the earth belong to everyone. No one should be excluded from the gifts of creation. Pope Paul VI spoke about this 50 years ago in his encyclical Populorum Progressio….
“Option for the poor
“The option for the poor reminds us of God’s preferential love for the poorest and most vulnerable people. God’s love is universal; he does not side with oppressors, but loves the humble….”
“This principle is believed to have originated from the Liberation Theology movement in Latin America. For the first time, people living in poverty in the slums were holding the Bible in their own hands and imagining a world free from injustice. This radical thinking shaped CAFOD’s early work in the 1960s.
“More recently, some Catholic theologians have spoken about an ‘option for the earth’. Pope Francis writes, “the earth herself, burdened and laid waste, is among the most abandoned and maltreated of our poor” Laudato Si’ #2….
“Peace is a cornerstone of our faith. Christ, the Prince of Peace, sacrificed himself with love on the cross.
“In 1963, Pope John XXIII published Pacem in Terris (Peace on earth). It was a dangerous time for humanity; with the rise of nuclear weapons, the frightening stand-off between the US and the Soviet Union over the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the building of the Berlin Wall. The Pope's letter urged the world to seek peace….
“Creation and environment
“In the first pages of the Bible we read how God created the sun and the stars, the water and earth, and every creature. We believe Christ is the redeemer of all creation.
“In 2015, Pope Francis brought together decades of Church teaching in the encyclical, Laudato Si’. In this deeply influential letter, Pope Francis invites everyone on the planet to consider how our actions are affecting the earth and the poorest people. Everything is interconnected, and all of creation praises God. It is our Christian vocation to care for creation….
“The dignity of work and participation
“The dignity of work has been a key principle of Catholic social teaching from the very beginning.
“In 1891, Pope Leo XIII issued Rerum Novarum (On Capital and Labour). He shone a light on the injustice and exploitation of workers by the rich during the Industrial Revolution. He advocated for workers to join forces and fight against inhuman conditions.
“Since then, Church teaching has upheld the dignity of work and participation. The human person should always come before the pursuit of profit. Workers have the right to join trade unions, to a just wage, to spend time with their families and to rest. Work is an essential part of our human dignity and everyone has the right to participate.
“At CAFOD we know that earning a living is essential to living with dignity….”
With Permission, CAFOD, https://cafod.org.uk/Pray/Catholic-social-teaching
“…Pope Francis reflects on the central theme of the upcoming Jubilee of Hope and reiterates his pressing appeal for debt forgiveness,…
“Recalling that in the Jewish tradition, the Jubilee was a special year of universal remission of sins and debts liberating the oppressed, the Pope notes that in our day too, this special year of grace ‘is an event that inspires us to seek to establish the liberating justice of God in our world,’ marred by injustices and ‘systemic’ challenges that Saint John Paul II termed ‘structures of sin.’…”
(Independent Catholic News, Source: Vatican News, 12 Dec. 2024. For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51296
Sunday offertory gifts (Bread & wine) and collection are a symbol of our participation in the Salvific mysteries of Jesus enacted in the Holy Sacrifice. Traditionally, we support the mission and activities of the church by giving a contribution from our hard work.
Many of you, in fact generously contribute to build up the church either by Direct Debit or Standing orders.
It is also appreciated, if you could offer a small amount (even a coin) during Sunday Mass as a sign and symbol of our consecration and participation in the Sacrifice.
As we begin a new Liturgical Year with the 1st Week of Advent, we wish to resurrect the system of bringing Bread & wine and Collection bags to the altar at the time of Offertory.
If you have a Red Box, please bring it to church. If you would like to participate in this charity (and we would appreciate your joining in), please see Fr Anil or one of the church helpers.
The total amount raised for the Parish Christmas Fayre is £3,140. Thanks to all those who helped organise, those who contributed and those who made donations.
Please reflect on how you can best use your God-given gifts to help sustain the spiritual vigour of our Parish and help it grow further as a community of the faithful.
See the Pledge Form and the Time and Talents checklist of volunteering activities in the rear of the church and in the Special Notice section of the Newsletter page on this website.
Please, everyone, take a copy, complete and return it to Fr Anil. Your generosity for special causes in the past is well recognized.
Please be generous again (yet realistic) in offering your time and talents – and financial help - for the benefit of our community of the faithful.
Extend yourself that extra bit for Our Parish.
A time to renew our commitment and consecration to Jesus Christ, the true Man and true God.
When - December 21st, Saturday, 2024. ALL ARE WELCOME
9.00 AM – Holy Rosary
9.30 AM - Spiritual Talks
10.15 AM - Tea Break
10.30 AM – Spiritual Talks
11.30 AM - Holy Hour and Confessions
12.30 - Holy Mass.
The Diocese of East Anglia is responsible for 26 schools across the diocese. They all need foundation governors to provide support and challenge and oversight of the work of the school.
We need more practising Catholics to put themselves forward to serve as foundation governors. If this is something you feel you might be able to contribute to (and full training and support will be provided) we would love to hear from you.
If this could be something of interest to you, please contact me, Andy Stone, Director of Schools’ Service by email andy.stone@rcdea.org.uk or by phone on 07500701977.
Develop your skills and help your community and its children at the same time. Volunteer to be a school governor at Forest Academy, Brandon, today. Or become a Member of the Academy Trust.
For more information, contact Phil Richardson, par.uk@gmx.co.uk.
Are you working in one of our Catholic schools? If not, would you like to? Did you know that the Diocese of East Anglia, along with its two Multi-Academy Trusts, has responsibility for twenty-eight schools across the Diocese? Our schools cover primary and secondary phases, state school and independent sector. Perhaps you’ve always been interested in teaching in a Catholic school, but the opportunity has not arisen.
If you are interested in following your vocation to teach in a Catholic school you are warmly invited to an initial information giving meeting, to be held on Zoom, on Monday 10th June 2024 at 6.30pm.
You will have an opportunity to hear from the Diocesan Schools Service and the CEOs of our two Catholic Multi-Academy Trusts.
To receive a meeting invitation, please contact the Schools’ Service Administrator, Jane Delph, at ssc@rcdea.org.uk We look forward to seeing you! Andy Stone, Director of Schools’ Service
Buying CAFOD’s virtual World Gifts makes a real difference for our sisters and brothers facing the injustice of poverty around the world. Choose from a range of beautifully illustrated cards, each representing a gift of hope, inspired by real people and real needs. Cards can be sent by post, as an eCard, or printed at home. Purchase World Gifts, jute bags, and other gifts at worldgifts.cafod.org.uk or pick up a catalogue in church.
During Lent we are asked to pray for these intentions:
Candidates for the Sacraments: especially on the Sundays of Lent
Prayer: Father of love and power, it is your will to establish everything in Christ and to draw us into his allembracing love.Guide the elect of your Church, strengthen them in their vocation, build them into the kingdom of your Son, and seal them with the Spirit of your promise. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
The Needy and Hungry of the World; especially on Lenten Fast Day —Friday of the first week in Lent.
Prayer: All powerful Father, God of goodness, you provide for all your creation.Give us an effective love for our brothers and sisters who suffer from lack of food.Help us do all we can to relieve their hunger, that they may serve you with carefree hearts. Roman Missal
World Day of Prayer; especially on 1st Friday in March
Prayer: Father, you have given all peoples one common origin, and your will is to gather them as one family in yourself.Fill the hearts of all women with the fire of your love and the desire to ensure justice for all.Hear the prayers offered you by women throughout the world for an end to all division, and a human society built on love and peace. Roman Missal (adapted)
Penitents and Wanderers:The twin themes of Lent are baptism and penance.
Prayer: God of power and might, we praise you through your Son, Jesus Christ, who comes in your name.He is the Word that brings salvation.He is the hand you stretch out to sinners. He is the way that leads to your peace.God our Father, we had wandered far from you, but through your Son you have brought us back. You gave him up to death so that we might turn again to you and find our way to one another. Roman Missal: Eucharistic Prayer for Reconciliation II
Source: Diocesan Calendar, East Anglia 2025 Yearbook, Dioceses of East Anglia
“…Pope Francis issued a powerful call to political leaders, urging them to ‘set a good example by canceling or significantly reducing the debts of the poorest countries.’ “…Pope Francis once again emphasized his firm ‘no’ to war, declaring that it ‘always destroys.’ He also urged that no country or people should be ‘crushed by debt.’
"’God is the first to forgive debts, as we always ask in the “Our Father,”’ Pope Francis said. ‘The Jubilee calls us to translate this forgiveness into social terms so that no individual, family, or people is crushed by debt. I encourage leaders of nations with Christian traditions to set an example by canceling or significantly reducing the debts of the poorest countries.’…"
Independent Catholic News, Source: Vatican Media, 2 Jan. 2025 For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51436
“Pope Francis dedicated his General Audience reflection today to the ‘scourge’ of child labour, saying Christians ‘cannot remain indifferent,’ when children, ‘instead of being loved and protected, are robbed of their childhood, of their dreams, [and made] victims of exploitation and marginalization.’…
“’Children are a gift from God,’ he said, quoting the psalms, but "unfortunately, that gift is not always respected.’…
“Pope Francis ended his catechesis with the prayer that God might ‘open our minds and hearts to care and tenderness,’ and that ‘every boy and every girl might be able to grow in age, wisdom and grace, receiving and giving love.’"
Independent Catholic News, Source: Vatican Media, 8 Jan. 2025 For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51472
“…Recalling the Hebrew meaning of Jesus, ‘God saves’, the Pope explained how this is exactly what the Lord will do and came into the world to accomplish by offering us His very life.
"’God chose to be born for us: Jesus is the revelation of His eternal love, which brings peace into the world.’
“The Pope then explained how the heart of Mary ‘corresponds to the newborn Messiah, who manifests the mercy of the Father.’ Her immaculate heart is the ear that listened to the proclamation of the Archangel Gabriel, and the hand of the bride given to Joseph, as well as the embrace experienced by Elizabeth in her old age’, the Pope added.
"’In Mary's heart beats the hope of redemption and salvation for every creature.’…"
Independent Catholic News, Source: Vatican Media, 2 Jan. 2025 For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/514356
“Bishop Peter Collins has recorded a safeguarding message in which he declares: ‘A personal and collective commitment to ensuring that the highest standards are maintained regarding adherence to national safeguarding policies and procedures.’… “We are all children of God. In obedience to Christ, we are duty bound to protect and defend the value and dignity of every human person. Applying this duty to those who are most vulnerable must be forever our greatest concern, our greatest work.”
Diocese of East Anglia, Dec. 2024. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/safeguarding-is-a-priority-focus-says-bishop-peter/
“…Pope Francis… pleaded for governments ‘to listen to the cry for peace of the millions of people deprived of their most basic rights due to war,’ which, he said, ‘is the mother of all poverty.’…
“The Catholic Church has a rich treasure of teaching: Catholic Social Teaching (CST), which outlines the Church's doctrine that focuses on human dignity and the common good in society. How are we, as the people of God, putting our doctrines into practice and working for justice and peace … today?”
(Independent Catholic News, Russell Pollitt SJ, Source: Jesuit Institute South Africa, 12 Dec. 2024. For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51294
"…’We must create solidarity, not manufacture barriers. We need to promote unity, not division,’ he said. ‘War destroys lives and homes. It tramples dreams and steals hope. We stand united with you, Your Beatitude, and, through you, with the suffering Church and people of the Holy Land.’…
“In his homily, Archbishop Wilson quoted from the Prophet Isaiah ‘Enlarge the place of your tent,’ asking the congregation to consider its meaning:
“‘Enlarging the tent is a work of justice in the service of peace. Anything less makes the tent of humanity shudder and collapse in destruction.’…’We hold before Our Lord the people, places, and Church of the Holy Land….’…”
(Independent Catholic News, Source: CBCEW, 30 Nov. 2024. For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51203
"…’War is a human defeat,’ he told pilgrims in St Peter's Square. ‘War does not solve problems.’…’War is evil; war destroys,’ warned Pope Francis….’Let us pray,’ the Pope said, ‘so that the Lord may bring us to peace.’…”
(Independent Catholic News, Source: Vatican Media, 5 Dec. 2024. For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51245
“…Amidst the joyful celebrations of Christmas, the Pope said, ‘Let us remember to express the feelings of joy every time we meet a mother who is carrying a child in her arms or in her womb… so that every motherhood may be blessed, and the Name of God thanked and exalted in every mother of the world. ‘…”
(Independent Catholic News, Source: Vatican News, 23 Dec. 2024. For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51367
“On Sunday December 29, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family; Jesus, Mary and Joseph living together an ordinary life, says Antonia Braithwaite in her latest Faith in the Home series.
“We are invited by this feast to contemplate the mystery of this family and remember that they, like us, also had their share of struggles, toils, hurt and challenges, as well as joys and love in being together.
“Whatever their circumstances they were always a living icon of faith, hope and love. Everything that happened they accepted as being from the hand of God, and they acted and reacted to their life events with love and with the eyes of faith and trust….”
Diocese of East Anglia, Keith Morris, 24 Dec. 2024. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/ways-to-celebrate-the-holy-family-in-your-own-family/
“In his Christmas message, Bishop Peter Collins says that enduring hope is only discovered through an encounter with God….
“As Christmas approaches, I call on you to open your eyes and ears, to open your heart and mind, to open your soul and spirit to God’s glorious grace and abundant mercy, made visible in Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer, born of Mary on that first Christmas Day. “I wish you all a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year.”
Diocese of East Anglia, Dec. 2024. For the full article, see https://www.rcdea.org.uk/bishop-petersays-encounter-god-for-an-enduring-hope/
“…Recalling the Holy Door he opened in Saint Peter’s Basilica yesterday evening inaugurating the Jubilee of 2025, the Pope explained this Door ‘represents Jesus, the Door of salvation open for all,’ and the Good Shepherd, who awaits us with open arms.
“…’This Christmas, at the beginning of the Jubilee Year, I invite every individual, and all peoples and nations, to find the courage needed to walk through that Door, to become pilgrims of hope, to silence the sound of arms and overcome divisions!’
“…the Pope prayed that the sound of weapons may be silenced in war-torn Ukraine and urged for a strength and openness to negotiation and dialogue for a just and lasting peace.
“He prayed for an end to war in the Middle East,…He prayed especially for Gaza, where the humanitarian situation is dire, saying ‘may there be a ceasefire, may the hostages be released and aid be given to the people worn out by hunger and by war.’…”
Catholic Church of England & Wales, 25 Dec. 2024. For complete article, see https://www.cbcew.org.uk/pope-at-christmas-urbi-et-orbi-may-we-become-pilgrims-of-hope-peace-and-unity/
“The Chapel of Reconciliation was full to overflowing at the National SVP Pilgrimage for the Sick, which took place at the Catholic National Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham on Sunday July 7….
“In his homily Bishop Alan [Hopes] spoke about the ‘Apostolate of Love’ which belonged to members of the SVP….’Today’s Gospel suggests that familiarity can be a great obstacle to faith,’ he said….’There can be a refusal to see God in the homeless, the marginalised, the migrant,’…’St Paul discovered that even sickness, infirmities and weakness can become an encounter with God.’
“Turning his attention to the sick who had come on pilgrimage, the bishop said that ‘we must more and more recognise Jesus in the ordinary,’ even the ordinariness of life with infirmity….”
(Diocese of East Anglia, Joshua Clovis, 30 July 2024. For the full article, see. https://www.rcdea.org.uk/bishop-sees-gods-presence-at-walsingham-pilgrimage/
“…In the letter, the Pope reflects on the value of history as a communal inheritance, stressing that the study of the Church goes beyond memorising dates and events.
“It is about keeping ‘the flame of collective conscience alive,’ he said, explaining that by doing so, the faithful can navigate the present with a clearer sense of perspective, rooted in the Church's lived experience across centuries….”
(Independent Catholic News, Source: Vatican News, 31 Nov. 2024. For the full article, see https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51145
“…The Christian calling is not a calling to perfection. It is a calling to remain uncomfortably with our imperfections so that God’s glory can shine all the more powerfully….”
….The Bible Society, 22 Sep. 2016. See full article at https://www.biblesociety.org.uk/explore-the-bible/bible-articles/what-does-jesus-mean-when-he-says-be-perfect
Samaritans Purse are once again asking us to think of children who won’t get any gifts this Christmas.
Could you fill a shoebox with toys, games, writing books + pens, and pencil, Colouring Books, and personal goods?
If you think you and your children would enjoy doing this, see Gill after Mass to get a pamphlet filled with all the information you need.
“A Norwich Catholic parishioner is helping more churches across Norfolk to engage with the Operation Christmas Child campaign, run by international relief organisation Samaritan’s Purse, and fill shoeboxes with gifts for needy children around the world.
“…Operation Christmas Child (OCC) has been collecting and delivering shoebox gifts—filled with school supplies, hygiene items and fun toys—to children worldwide for three decades….Those interested in more information on Operation Christmas Child for your church, school, group or business can contact Mark and Debra Watkins at markdebrawatkinsocc@yahoo.com .”
Diocese of East Anglia, Keith Morris, 25 August 2023. See the full article at
“Fr Alvan Ibeh SMMM from Great Yarmouth has published his first book in the UK, which will be part of a series, titled “A Fountain of Hope.” Tom Goymour of Verbum Publications reviews the book….’In life, things don’t always go to plan, and this can be a real challenge. …’Why is God never late? And why is that important? Why is he not interested in our past?
“’The answers may not always be what you want to hear, but that’s the point; the way ahead will always present obstacles, and the author deals with these pertinent points and projects the answers God gives us with clarity….’”
(Diocese of East Anglia, Joshua Clovis , 26 July 2024. For the full article, see. https://www.rcdea.org.uk/east-anglia-priest-publishes-first-book-in-uk-review/
A Big Congratulations to Mr.Tom for producing a beautiful collection of poems. It is Amazing, Divine, Biblical and full of Spiritual insights. We are proud of you!!!!!!!!!! Continue to mesmerise us with your poems and writings.
Copies are available!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Food Bank collection of non-perishable items will be held on the FIRST Sunday of each month. Days for upcoming collections will be April 6th and May 4th. In the meantime, donations can be delivered directly to King’s House, Market Street, Mildenhall, IP28 7EF, M-F, 10 am to noon ( office@kingsproject.org.uk ) or to the Brandon – Thetford Food Bank, Harvest Centre, Fengate Drove, Brandon, IP27 0PW, Tues., 11 am to 1 pm ( info@thetford.foodbank.org.uk ).
The following are items needed now by clients, but appear rarely in donations: Tinned fish, tinned meat, tinned spaghetti, tinned vegetables, cooking oil, peanut butter, marmite, cereal, tinned fruit, tinned custard, long life milk, tinned baked beans, tinned chopped tomatoes, instant hot chocolate, instant coffee hygiene products (shampoo, conditioner, shower gel and household cleaning products). Please make sure produce is within expiry date.
Can you help? Will you help, please? Many in our community rely upon Food Banks for help in time of urgent need.
Please bring along your donations of food, hygiene other items in a box or carrier bag. This makes it easier to carry and deliver everything from church to the Food Bank.
Please no already opened packages or bottles: no alcohol.
See also the notices on our church website and those of the local Food Banks.
Needs our help!
Next time you shop – or have someone shopping for you – use two bags, one for you and one for non-perishable items for those who cannot afford to find good food for themselves.
The Food Bank is open from 10am - 12 noon each Monday and Friday. It is located on the ground floor of the King’s Project on the corner of Market Street and King Street, Mildenhall.
Useful items include: Milk (UHT or powdered), Sugar, Long life Fruit Juice, Cereals, Tinned sponge pudding, Tinned Tomatoes, Tinned vegetables, Soup, Tinned rice pudding, Tea bags/instant coffee, Instant Mash, Rice, Tinned meat/fish, Tinned Fruit, Jam, Biscuits/snack bars
... who contributes to the Food Bank. We thank God for this opportunity to comfort our brothers and sisters.
We have a number of ways of recording people for whom prayers are said, including, books at each church and this section of our weekly Newsletter.
In the Newsletter we record the names of those whose anniversaries occur each month and sometimes those for whom special requests have been made. These names will, of course, re-appear the same time next year. Because of limited space, the anniversaries are for those who have died since 2010.
A superb free App from the British Jesuits. Lots on the App including a daily 10-12 min prayer meditation, as well as Stations of the Cross, Rosary meditations and other prayer resources. If you have a smart phone download the App, it could help develop your prayer life and your friendship with Jesus. Why not try it out for Holy Week? Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
If you are unable to come to Mass and would like Holy Communion or other sacraments Fr Anil is very willing to visit you at home. Please do get in contact and don’t just assume the parish has your details on file. The Parish database suffered immensely from the changes in GDPR guidelines a few years ago and many parishioners details are not held on file.
Mass is not something the “Priest does” alone, it is the action of the whole People of God. As such it is a prayer and act of supreme worship. Making the responses clearly and audibly is one simple but important way in which we pray the Mass.
“Mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to that fully conscious, and activeparticipation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy. Such participation by the Christian people as "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a redeemed people, is their right and duty by reason of their baptism.”
Vatican II (SC 14)
The Irish station Radio RTE, which is based in Dublin, is broadcasting to the UK on long wave 252kHz. Every other Sunday they broadcast Mass at 11am.
Radio Maria England, which is based in Cambridge, broadcasts on DAB+ in Greater London and on DAB (Band 11C 220.352 MHz) in Cambridgeshire and the surrounding areas. You can also listen to it from across East Anglia online at https://radiomariaengland.uk Broadcasts include Masses, the Rosary, the Stations of the Cross, and morning and evening prayer.
EWTN, which has a base in Walsingham, Norfolk, produces a wide range of radio programmes and can be reached on https://www.ewtn.com/radio
Premier Christian Radio is on DAB, Internet and can be also accessed via TV Freeview 725.
Scared? Need to talk? Struggling to get shopping or basic groceries?
Pick up the phone! Your parish is your family and we are here for you, in the first instance feel free to call Fr Anil on 01842 812200 and he will do his best to help you, support you and put you in contact with others who may be able to help. If you don’t get an answer. Leave a message and your number (Clearly) and he will get back to you.
(especially if you are having trouble live-streaming Online)
Radio Stations: DAB (Digital) Radio: Radio Maria England, Premier Christian Radio (available on TV Radio as well and has Sunday Morning Worship) Radio 4 Has Sunday Worship on Sunday Morning at 8:10 am on FM and a Daily Service at 9:45 am on Long Wave (not FM).
TV: Sky TV 588 is ETWN (Catholic Channel) and has Daily Mass broadcast as well as other prayers and devotions.
Websites: https://pray-as-you-go.org/ https://shalem.org/programs/online/holy-interruptions/
Coloring prayer resources: If you would like adult-coloring sheets, to help with
prayer/mindfulness/meditation please contact Fr Luke and he will try and source them for you.
Has your house been blessed? Would you like a home visit and a blessing for you home and family?
If you would like Fr Anil to visit you in your home and invoke God’s blessing upon your home and family, please speak to him after Mass or call the presbytery.
Even if your home has been blessed in the past we can still pray together and ask for God’s blessing upon our lives. It’s also an excellent way for priest and parish to get to know each other!
The Fund deals with emergency grant applications from families or individuals in need. It also considers support for young people wishing to explore a third world project in their gap years or long vacations.
The fund is administered by Caritas East Anglia. All applications come from the parish or endorsements from professionals working with applicants.
Over the past year, the Fund has supported families and individuals facing homelessness or job losses resulting in rent arrears. Others helped have been dealing with the sudden onset of terminal illness.
For more details go to: https://www.rcdea.org.uk/caritas-east-anglia/
Having a Mass offered for someone’s intention is a good and holy thing to do. It is important to remember, however, that Mass is always offered in the first instance for all people. (For For God’s Glory and our sanctification) No one buys or owns a Mass. A Mass is always ‘our Mass’ - even if offered for a particular individual. Please also remember that in our parish only one Sunday Mass can be offered for an intention that someone has asked for.
There can be a bit of a back log with Mass intentions:
Find out how you can get involved in our churchWant to know more about the Church? Perhaps you are a Catholic but missed out on making your confirmation as a youngster.
If this is you, please consider joining our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) programme. Please write to Fr Anil expressing your interest. community, from volunteering to joining a small group. We welcome everyone to come as they are and get connected.
We are a small parish, as everybody knows and, unusually, we have to maintain three buildings. Fortunately, we have a congregation which, time after time, provides funds, through offertory payments, stole fees and donations. So we are very grateful. One way in which you can help the parish in the long term is to consider a bequest in your will. Talk to Fr Anil or Philip Kemp for further information about this.
Plese reflect on how you can best use your God-given gifts to help sustain the spiritual vigour of our Parish and help it grow further as a community of the faithful.
See the Pledge Form and the Time and Talents checklist of volunteering activities in the rear of the church and in the Special Notice section of the Newsletter page on this website.
Please, everyone, take a copy, complete and return it to Fr Anil. Your generosity for special causes in the past is well recognized.
Please be generous again (yet realistic) in offering your time and talents – and financial help - for the benefit of our community of the faithful.
Extend yourself that extra bit for Our Parish.
Thank you all for helping to keep the parish going, your generosity means we are surviving as a parish.
Please consider how you can donate at least equal to your normal giving.
Here’s how you can do this:
1. By Standing Order or Direct Debit. A form is included in the next section which you can use. Details of the parish’s bank account are
2. By making a transfer from your bank account to the parish’s, using the details above.
3. By sending a cheque to the parish made out to Brandon & Mildenhall RC Parish.
*** Please do not send cash ***
We suggest that you arrange these payments on a monthly basis, starting on the first Monday of each month.
Thank you to all those who have been making bank transfers or forwarded cheques as offertory donations to the Parish since the lockdown commenced. Bank transfers are preferred but if you do make cheque payments please note that the payee details for the Parish are "Brandon and Mildenhall Catholic Parish".
THANK YOU for helping in keeping the parish going.
Fr. Anil Zachery, Parish Priest
Philip Kemp, Parish Treasurer
New Gift Aid envelopes have arrived but are not being distributed until Sunday Mass collections resume. Parishioners who are in the Gift Aid scheme are encouraged to make their offertory contributions preferably by bank transfer, or by cheque, as indeed many are doing so already. Your contributions are still being collated for Gift Aid claim purposes. Many thanks.
Thank you to those who have signed up to GA. If you missed this and would like to discuss your GA, please let me know. If you pay UK tax the Parish can claim back 25% of your Sunday offering from the tax office. The only details required are your name, address and signature confirming you pay UK tax. Philip Kemp Tel 07514430468 Email pjkemp1@gmail.com
I am obliged to inform existing members of the Gift Aid Scheme that I will be claiming tax rebates for tax year just past on your behalf unless informed of the contrary. You are also requested to advise me of any changes in address, post code or name in the last 12 months.
Thank you
Philip Kemp, Parish Treasurer & Gift Aid Organiser
Tel 07514430468; Email pjkemp1@gmail.com
Around the end / beginning of the year is the time when most 50-50 Club subscription renewals are due. This can be paid by cash, cheque, bank transfer or card payments through the Parish website. Bank transfers - please reference '50-50 club'. Web payments - email me so I know. Cash or cheques can be passed on to me (Philip Kemp).
Please speak to Joanne Thomas at St Thomas's (Tel 07549 946444 email joannethomas@btopenworld.com ) or Philip Kemp at St John's (Tel 07514430468 email pjkemp1@gmail.com ). Do consider becoming a member if you are not already and help raise valuable funds for the Parish.
Monthly winners are announced in the Parish Newsletters. If you are uncertain whether you are a 50-50 Club member or if you are not sure how many numbers you have, please get in touch. Contact details above.
The 50:50 Club is a major source of income to help keep this parish running. --- FACT
The proceeds go half to winners and half to the parish --- FACT
You can join now! --- FACT
Speak to David Thomas (St Thomas’); Janet Murphy (St John’s) --- SIMPLE!
50:50 Club Winnings
Winners can email me their bank details to facilitate a bank transfer.
PhilipKemp: pjkemp1@gmail.com
Having a mass said or paying for flowers in the church are practical ways supporting the work of the parish. Please give your donations to Fr Anil or Philip Kemp.
The Easter and Christmas offering is given to the Parish Priest and forms a significant part of his annual income.
If you would like to give to Fr Anil this Easter or Christmas, you can do so in several ways:
Please use “Fr Anil” or “Easter / Christmas Offering” as the reference for these gifts.Thank you.
A new book by a local Catholic author Derek Williams is available at the back of the Church priced £7.99.
“Tithing for Catholics is an innovative piece of writing that cuts to the heart of Scripture and Church Teaching…. the author takes us on a journey of first-hand experiences that demonstrate how tithing is a real service of faith that won’t let you down because God cannot be outdone in generosity”
- From the cover of ‘Tithing for Catholics’
Please place money in CTS box or give to Fr Anil directly.
The Parish - whole Church – depends on its members for finance to achieve its mission. That is why we have first and second collections at Mass and welcome people’s generosity in making donations.
Have you considered continuing your contributions after you have departed?
You can do this by making a gift in your will. You can specify what it is to be spent on and the charity that will benefit. Talk to our treasurer for more information:
Philip Kemp: Tel 07514430468; Email pjkemp1@gmail.com
Whether you want to support a local cause such as your parish or diocese, provide for vulnerable families in the UK or help overseas communities and parishes, a legacy could be the most far-reaching gift you ever make.
Go to https://www.yourcatholiclegacy.org for more information.
Anna Liwak, the parishioner from Brandon who created our beautiful Paschal candles is now taking commissions for Candles.
Her candles are handcrafted and can be personalized for First Communion, Baptisms, Memorials, Anniversaries or any other important occasions. Individual prayer candles are also available.
For more information please contact Anna on 07741209889 or check out her facebook page: ‘Artistic Heart.’
If you would be willing to help run a children’s liturgy group at Mildenhall or Brandon please speak to Fr Antony.
If you have made your first Holy Communion and would like to serve at Mass at either Brandon or Mildenhall, speak to Fr Antony. We need you!
Stewards are needed for both churches to help with seating and moving around the church for Holy Communion as well as cleaning. Please do volunteer (we cannot do this without you) to help by cleaning or stewarding.
Pax Christi (The Peace of Christ) works for:
To do this Pax Christi works to:
Nonviolence Works is a network of Christian Peace Organisations, including Pax Christi, committed to furthering peace in communities. The network has evidence that there are ways other than violent intervention to resolve differences and bring an end to wars. It publishes cases that show how nonviolent approaches can and do work. We will publish examples from time to time. Here are three:
Norway 1942
Teachers refused to co-operate with the pro-Nazi Quisling regime and, although many endured prison, the obligation to teach Nazi doctrines had to be withdrawn.
Mozambique 1989-92
The Rome-based Community of Sant” Egidio brokered an agreement between RENAMO and FRELIMO forces, ending ten years of war.
1996 -- The movement to oust Serbia dictator Slobodan Milosevic, which began in November 1996 with Serbs conducting daily parades and protests in Belgrade and other cities. At that time, however, Serb democrats lacked a strategy to press on the struggle and failed to launch a campaign to bring down the Milosovic dictatorship. In early October 2000, the Otpor (Resistance) movement and other democrats rose up again against Milosevic in a carefully planned nonviolent struggle.
1999 to Present -- Popular protests of corporate power & globalization begin with Seattle WTO protest in Seattle, 1999. This is what set the trend for the Occupy movement which is still alive.
2001 -- The “People Power Two” campaign, ousts Filipino President Estrada in early 2001.
Guatemala 2007
Young stilt walkers used circus acts and carnival in the streets to transform the climate of violence spread by brutal youth gangs.
War changed my life. For us ordinary people of Croatia, the violent disintegration of Yugoslavia came so suddenly we were confused. The war and the logic of war spread like a violent fire. From a culture of nationalism to the fear-ridden images of the enemy, to being surrounded by Serbian forces bombing us… I started to think like others, there was no other way. It is them or us… While we were thinking and praying in a small group we spoke about the meaning of love for our enemy in this very situation. …. I started to think, what would it mean to love my enemy in this time of war? I could not find the answer. But then I made a choice, from my will. So, I chose to love my enemy as Jesus would. This choice was my first move from the logic of violence, and I felt I could breathe again.
My next step was to think how would I defend life? I would defend life but not by killing. But what if I needed to defend the life of my children? I don’t know what I would do in such a situation. But this transition from the logic of violence opened my heart and my mind to ask: what could I do for peace and the end of the war? I met someone who was an ethicist and then a conscientious objector. … And this was the beginning of the peace movement, the Centre for Nonviolence and Human Rights in Osijek, from the middle of the war.
Katarina Kruhonja, former Board member, Pax Christi International
“Discover Lectio Divina with Fr Bernard Murphy CFR and be enriched by this ancient Scriptural practice.
“Join Fr Bernard in this ancient Scriptural practice as he guides you through each stage of Lectio Divina: Reading (Lectio), Meditation (Meditatio), Prayer (Oratio), Contemplation (Contemplatio), Action (Actio), and Communal Sharing (Collatio).
“Engage in a transformative journey of Scripture and prayer with this world-renowned Franciscan friar, spiritual director and retreat giver. Drawing on Fr Bernard’s rich understanding and experience, he shows how each step of Lectio Divina plays a profound role in the way we connect with God’s Word….
“Embark on this sacred adventure of prayer and spiritual growth by practising Lectio Divina….”
See the video on The God Who Speakswebsite at the link provided below and find additional related resources.
The Bible and Catholics, The God Who Speaks, 29 June 2023. See the full article at https://www.godwhospeaks.uk/lectio-divina-with-fr-bernard-murphy-cfr/
Time set aside for Lectio Divina enables us to discover in our daily life an underlying spiritual rhythm. We discover an increasing ability to offer more of ourselves and our relationships to the Father, and to accept the embrace that God offers us in the person of his son, Jesus Christ. We can attend "with the ear of our hearts", listening for God's presence in our lives.
• Choose a text of the Scriptures that you wish to pray. This could be a reading for that day’s mass, or a particular book from the New Testament. The amount of text covered is in God's hands, not yours.
• Place yourself in a comfortable position and allow yourself to become silent. This could be a few moments focused on your breathing, or a favourite prayer. Use whatever method is best for you and allow yourself to enjoy silence for a few moments.
• Turn to the text and read it slowly, gently. Savour each portion of the reading, constantly listening for the "still, small voice" of a word or phrase that somehow says, "I am for you today." In Lectio Divina, God is teaching us to listen to him, to seek him in silence.
• Take the word or phrase into yourself. Slowly repeat it to yourself, allowing it to interact with your inner world of concerns, memories, and ideas. Memories or thoughts are simply parts of yourself that, when they rise up during Lectio Divina, are asking to be given to God along with the rest of your inner self.
• Speak to God. Whether you use words, ideas, or images--or all three--is not important. Interact with God as you would with one you know loves and accepts you. Give to God what you have found within your heart. Experience God by using the word or phrase he has given you as a means of blessing and of transforming the ideas and memories that your reflection on his word has awakened.
• Rest in God's embrace. And when he invites you to return to your contemplation of his word or to your inner dialogue with him, do so. Learn to use words when words are helpful, and to let go when they no longer are necessary. Rejoice in the knowledge that God is with you in both words and silence.
Many prayer groups find it a useful approach to collective study and prayer.
This form of Lectio Divina works best in a group of between four and eight people. A group leader coordinates the process and facilitates sharing. The same text from the Scriptures is read out three times, followed each time by a period of silence and an opportunity for each member of the group to share the fruit of her or his Lectio.
• The first reading is for the purpose of hearing a word or passage that touches the heart. When the word or phrase is found, the group's members take it in, gently recite it, and reflect on it during the silence that follows. After the silence, each person shares which word or phrase has touched his or her heart.
• The second reading (by a member of the opposite sex from the first reader) is for the purpose of "hearing" or "seeing" Christ in the text. Each ponders the word that has touched the heart and asks where the word or phrase touches his or her life that day. Then, after the silence, each member of the group shares what he or she has "heard" or "seen."
• The third and final reading is for the purpose of experiencing Christ "calling us forth" into doing or being. Members ask themselves what Christ in the text is calling them to do or to become today or this week. After the silence, each shares for the last time, and the exercise concludes with each person praying for the person on the right of him or her.
Those who regularly practice this method of praying and sharing the Scriptures find it to be an excellent way of developing trust within a group. It also is an excellent way of consecrating projects and hopes to Christ before more-formal group meetings.
Based on “How to Practice Lectio Divina” Rev. Luke Dysinger OSB www.beliefnet.com
Copyright 2009-2024, St. Thomas & St. John Catholic Parish.
Permission to reprint, podcast, and / or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license M-401533. All rights reserved.
A registered Charity number 278742
The Roman Catholic Parish of Brandon and Mildenhall is part of the Diocese of East Anglia covering Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and the Unitary Authority of Peterborough within the Province of Westminster, part of the Catholic Church of England and Wales in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.