PARISH DIARY – 32nd Week of the Year, Psalter Week 4, Year B
Sun. November 10th -- 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Remembrance Day
Retiring Collection for Missionary Society of St Paul –
Guest: Fr Mark Odion MSP
Mildenhall - 8:30 am Exposition of Holy Eucharist
9:00 am Mass
Brandon - 10:25 am Rosary
11:00 am Mass
Tues. November 12th - S Josaphet - Mildenhall - 10:00 am Mass
Wed. November 13th - Brandon - 10:00 am Mass
Fri. November 14th - Mildenhall - 10:00 am Mass
Fri. November 15th - Brandon - 9:00 am Adoration
10:00 am Mass
Sun. November 17th -- 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - World Day of the Poor
Mildenhall - 8:30 am Exposition of Holy Eucharist
9:00 am Mass
Brandon - 10:25 am Rosary
11:00 am Mass
Upcoming Dates to Remember
24 November, Sunday, Christ, the King of the Universe
24 November, Sunday, Youth Day
1 December, Sunday, 1st Sunday of Advent, Year C
1 December, Sunday, Food Bank, St John's
3 December, Tuesday, Migrants’ Day - St Francis Xavier, Memorial
7 December, Saturday, Churches Together Mildenhall Prayer Meeting, 9am, St John’s
9 December, Monday, The Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary
15 December, Gaudete Sunday, 2nd Collection for Dependent Priests’ Fund
25 December, Wednesday, Christmas Day 29 December, Sunday, Holy Family Sunday
5 January, Sunday, The Epiphany of Our Lord
12 January, Sunday, Baptism of the Lord
Year of Prayer
"Prayer unites us; it makes us brothers and sisters. It is in prayer that our hearts find the strength not to be cold and insensitive in the face of injustice. In prayer, God keeps calling us, opening our hearts to charity. "
Pope Francis
Pope’s November prayer intention- FOR THOSE WHO HAVE LOST A CHILD
"Let us pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community, and may receive peace of heart from the Spirit of Consolation."
Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network.
“The Pope Video: November 2024 - For those who have lost a child
"...The Pope stresses how important it is that families support each other, with their faith which is a great pillar on which hope can be reborn.
"'Let us pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community, and may receive peace of heart from the Spirit of Consolation.'..."
"...Watch the video here: ..."
(Independent Catholic News, 31 October 2024. For the full article, see.
Exposition of Holy Eucharist. Sundays at St John's. 8:30 am is an opportunity to pray as a parish family in preparation for the Holy Mass. All are Welcome!!!!
Holy Rosary, Sundays at St Thomas, Brandon, 10:25am ...
... leaving time afterwards to contemplate the Glorious Mysteries before 11am Mass. Please join us if you can.
Coffee at St Johns - a weekday treat – come and join us…
… on Tuesdays at 10:30 for tea, coffee, and chat. Starting 5 December we will add Thursday to the rota,. Even if you are not a regular attendee to weekday masses, you will be very welcome; for more information contact Tom Caple (0748 476 1889).
Coffee & Biscuits at St Thomas on Sundays after the 11:00 am Mass
We hope this will rejuvenate the fraternity and family spirit in our parish and a time of socialisation for our young children. You are free to bring and share your home-made cookies and cakes!!!!!!!!!!! ALL ARE WELCOME. A big thanks to all volunteers.
Altar Flowers for St Thomas Church, Brandon
Please don’t forget to give money if you can for altar flowers at St Thomas Church, Brandon. It can be given to Fr Anil or online (see finance section of this newsletter) with the reference ‘Flowers – Brandon’. Thank you.
Churches Together Mildenhall Prayer Meeting: First Saturday of Month at 9am. Next on 7 December at St John's.
Mildenhall Food Bank Collection - 1 December at St John’s
The following are items needed now by clients: Tinned fish, tinned meat, tinned spaghetti, tinned vegetables, cooking oil, peanut butter, marmite, cereal, tinned fruit, tinned custard, long life milk, tinned baked beans, tinned chopped tomatoes, instant hot chocolate, instant coffee hygiene products (shampoo, conditioner, shower gel and household cleaning products). Please make sure produce is within expiry date.
Fix the Food System
“Our global food system is broken. Over 800 million people go hungry, and the way we produce much of our food harms our planet, too. Meanwhile, huge corporations make enormous profits. Small-scale farmers around the world produce around one third of our food, and if they had more support, things could be so hugely different.
“In 2023, the second phase of our Fix the Food System campaign will focus on the issue of seeds. Seeds are at the very heart of the food system. They are part of nature and given by God for the benefit of all but increasingly farmers’ rights to choose their own seeds are under threat….”
With Permission, CAFOD. See for more.
CAFOD World Gifts: Give a gift of hope at any time of the year
Let’s share the promise of hope that has been made to us with our sisters and brothers around the world. You can buy CAFOD’s World Gifts for family and friends online at or pick up a catalogue in church. World Gifts such as “super soup kitchens”, “trees for life”, or “water for a family” will help transform lives in a world filled with challenges. A Winter Survival Kit (£30) provides cash to families in real need to help them prepare for the cold winter.
CAFOD “Voices of Change” Podcasts
Inspiring stories of dedicated local experts, resilient community members, and lovely individuals doing CAFOD’s work. Listen at
Might you make time to volunteer to help build a better world?
CAFOD, the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, are looking for people to give some time and join them in their mission. Could you help develop our work in parishes or Catholic schools? Or raise a voice and campaign for justice throughout the diocese? Training and support are provided. See for more information or get in touch with
Mass Intentions. Please let Fr Anil know of any Mass Intentions you would like him to announce during our Masses on Sunday or weekdays. Place your name and your intention on a slip; add any special date or particular mass or location (Brandon or Mildenhall) you desire; put that in an envelope along with any offering (not required) you wish to include; give the envelope to Fr Anil or mail it to him. Fr Anil will make his best effort to match your desires. Mass intentions for the coming week are published at the end of our weekly newsletter and announced during the Mass. Some dates are particularly popular, like Sundays, so let Fr Anil know in advance so he can sort out any competing desires from other parishioners.
Catholic East Anglia - November 2024 issue is now available on line and in the back of the church.
The Catholic Network - Your free digital daily news service & weekly newsletter.
Subscribe at . See also the flyer in the Special Notices section of our Newsletter page here on our website.
Monthly God who Speaks newsletter, created in partnership between the Catholic Bishops' Conference and Bible Society, as part of our God who Speaks campaign.
Each month we offer you new resources for your Bible engagement - whether individually, as a family, an online community, parish or school, to share the scriptures wherever you are.
Parking at Brandon: Please respect our neighbours and one another when parking. If you need to park on the road in Fengate Drove, please be mindful of pavements and private drives. How people perceive us as a community is important: remember we are adverts for the Catholic Faith!
Take advantage of the many Catholic publications to enrich your faith. See the link page on this website for information on a number of them.
Paschal & Prayer Candles
Anna Liwak handcrafts beautiful candles that can be personalized for important occasions like First Communion, Baptisms, Memorials, and Anniversaries. Individual prayer candles are also available. For more information, please contact Anna on 07741209889 or check out her Facebook page: ‘Artistic Heart.’ Samples can also be seen here our parish website, further down on this page.