Our Diocesan Website contains news - the Catholic East Anglia newspaper, contacts, Bishop Alan’s on line Catechism, information about the Marriage Tribunal, youth service contacts and much more:
The Website of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales contains many interesting news articles and links to varied and valuable resources for all of us. You can also sign up for their periodic newsletter.
The Catholic Liturgy Office Website holds a whole host of information on our worship within the Church. You can down-load church documents from here:
Diocesan Youth Service of East Anglia is where you can find out what’s going on in the Diocese for young people, upcoming events & pilgrimages and news about the Ignite Team. https://www.rcdea.org.uk/youth/
The Ignite Team is the Youth Mission Team for the Roman Catholic Diocese of East Anglia. https://www.rcdea.org.uk/the-ignite-team/
Pray as you Go: https://pray-as-you-go.org/
Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation: https://shalem.org/programs/online/holy-interruptions/
St Paul Center: https://stpaulcenter.com/hub/
Many people are finding the support of a Cursillo Course a wonderful way to make their Faith in Jesus Christ more alive: www.cursillo.org.uk
A Day of Renewal, a day of prayer, praise, ministry and fellowship : http://www.renewaleastanglia.org/
The God Who Speaks - The Bible and Catholics
All Scripture is inspired by God
"If you’re Catholic and curious about the Bible, this is the place for you. Here you’ll find great resources; events and ideas to help you deepen your faith and love of the Scriptures.
"‘Everyone should carry a small Bible or pocket edition of the Gospels and should find at least a few minutes every day to read the word of God.’ (Pope Francis, 2014)
"We’re looking forward to gathering together again this year for more Scripture Tours around England and Wales. Please email Fleur Dorrell if you’d like to co-create some Scripture-filled events across your diocese. We’d love to help you make the most of your ideas and celebrate your communities through Scripture, art, music, worship, food and fun."
You can find more prayer resources on 'Something of' https://somethingof.wordpress.com/2015/11/04/the-timeliness-of-things/
This is the official site for the Catholic Fund for Overseas Development:
The APF work to support missionaries throughout the world:
The Catholic Truth Society offers a huge range of literature upon God, our Faith, our Christian life, the saints, church teachings and much more:
The House of Hope is a Bethlehem charity working with blind children:
Fair-trade works to promote a fair wage and fair conditions for workers across the world: www.fairtrade.org.uk
Fish Eaters: This informative website offers a whole host of fascinating and wonderful facts about the Catholic Church: www.fisheaters.com
The Northumbria Community: A diverse, worldwide, Christian Community, committed to a new way for living: www.northumbriacommunity.org
In our Parish we have a wonderful musical tradition. One of the reasons for this is that the Diocesan Music Advisor leads us with our music at St John's church in Mildenhall. You can see his website below: www.decanimusic.co.uk
Caritas East Anglia -- a commitment to support the poor across the Diocese of East Anglia through parish projects and helping individuals in crisis.
The National Justice & Peace Network is a grassroots body with Catholic roots, working with groups and individuals of all faiths and none, who share its aims and values. It is based in England and Wales. The network offers:
For more information, visit the following website https://www.justice-and-peace.org.uk
Catholic Online - "comprehensive, educational and timely information about Catholicism"
"Only Catholic Online, located at www.catholic.org, gives the largest and broadest population of Catholics worldwide easy access to comprehensive, educational and timely information about Catholicism, and provides a range of easy methods to integrate their faith into their daily lives. The mission of Catholic Online (COL) is to accurately represent the Catholic religion: its "past" and present. Today, Catholic Online provides over five million pages of content including the largest online historical and biblical database about the Catholic Church including comprehensive information about over 7,000 Catholic saints and comprehensive online scriptures from all books of the Old and New Testament.
"Catholic Online reaches a highly targeted audience of over to 100 thousand Catholic users per day and up to 1 million page impressions per day. Visitors come from over 120 countries around the world. Over 100,000 users take advantage of free email accounts and access COL every day!
"Catholic Online has consistently provided the world wide Catholic Community with dependable and reliable content and Internet services for over 10 years. We have the largest Catholic Online presence on the Internet. In order to continue to build OUR Catholic Online Community your active support is needed.
"Recent announcements from the Vatican on the use of the Internet as a strategic communications tool for the church will create an increase in support for sites targeting the Catholic audience."
We set up on a voluntary basis in May 2000 in response to Tertio Millennio Adveniente, which called for lay people to play a more active role in the work of the Church. As journalists, we felt this project was one way we could make a contribution.
Our aim is to provide speedy and accurate news coverage of all subjects of interest to Catholics and the wider Christian community. There is also a Saint of the Day, Sunday Reflection, Listings Section, Classified Ads, Prayer Requests and Links pages.
We are keeping the design as simple as possible so that the site can be accessed by people using older computers - many of our readers live in the developing world and don't have the latest technology.
If you would like daily news updates e-mailed directly to your mailbox, click 'Subscribe to daily newsletter' in the right sidebar.
We are asking for donations from those who can afford it, to help cover the expenses of this service. If you would like to support us please visit: www.indcatholicnews.com/donate
Other ways you can support ICN: publicise ICN in your parish newsletter or website, send us your news and listings, tell friends and colleagues about us and especially, remember us in your prayers.
We welcome your comments and advice. You can contact us at: www.indcatholicnews.com/contact
Best wishes, Jo Siedlecka, editor, London, England
LA CROIX international is the premier online Catholic daily providing unique quality content about topics that matter in the world such as politics, society, religion, culture, education and ethics.
LA CROIX international is for post-Vatican II Catholics and those who are passionate about how the living Christian tradition engages, shapes and makes sense of the burning issues of the day in our rapidly changing world. Inspired by the reforming vision of the Second Vatican Council, LCI offers news, commentary and analysis on the Church in the World and the world of the Church.
The Catholic Herald - "one of the world’s oldest and most trusted Catholic publications"
"G.K. Chesterton, the great essayist and creator of the fictional detective Father Brown, described the Catholic Herald as the only newspaper he trusted.
We have been the gold standard of Catholic news, analysis, and culture writing since the 19th century. ... we have a storied background and over 130 years of wisdom that we bring to covering the Church today."
"La Civiltà Cattolica is a publishing project given to the Jesuits by Pope Pius IX in 1850, during a time of convulsive change in Europe. One of the oldest, continuously published Catholic journals, the fortnightly review has always aimed to provide deeper assessments of topics and events of broad significance.
"It is “high popular” in tone and reach but not specialist in character. While its treatment of topics will often run over 5,000 words, the periodical is for the educated and searching reader rather than being a professional journal. All authors are Jesuits and all articles have been viewed and approved by an official of the Vatican’s Secretariat of State before publication. For this reason, La Civiltà Cattolica has always been a window into what thoughts, policies and priorities are alive in the Apostolic See.
"The articles, commentaries and reflections in the Digital Edition of La Civiltà Cattolica focus on theological, philosophical, moral, historical, political, social and literary topics. The content is divided in sections for documents, profiles and interviews, the life of the Church and commentaries. The content provides reading for an informed Catholic conscience that is better able to decide freely.
"The periodical particularly wants to create – patiently and humbly – a dialogue between Christian faith and contemporary culture, as called for by the Second Vatican Council. All this occurs while La Civiltà Cattolica maintains a special relationship with the Holy See. Being in tune with the Holy See is part of the identity of La Civiltà Cattolica along with a special bond to the Pope.
"As a digital magazine of general reference, articles in La Civiltà Cattolica are written and edited in a way that has the educated though non-specialist reader in mind. Discussions in the articles are rigorous and well researched but always aim to be open and accessible."
The Universe Catholic Weekly...
is thrilled to announce that we have launched our new online newspaper with the full support of our first subscriber none other than His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols. Order your Digital 4 weeks FREE trial copy by calling Michelle on 0743 661 7650 or email: michelle.jones@universecatholicweekly.co.uk
You will find excellent articles at https://universecatholicweekly.co.uk . Subscribe and support them.
This weekly is the follow-on to the Catholic Universe which recently cease publication after 150 years of providing news to our Catholic community.
The Tablet - "a Catholic weekly journal"
"...is a Catholic weekly journal that has been published continually since 1840. It reports on religion current affairs, politics, social issues, literature and the arts with a special emphasis on Roman Catholicism while remaining ecumenical. It is committed to the teaching of the Second Vatican Council."
Vatican News - The news portal of the Holy See
Together with Vatican Radio, L’Osservatore Romano and Vatican Media, it seeks to respond “always better to the demands of the Church’s mission” in contemporary culture. ...
Surpassing the concept of being a simple digital platform, Vatican News seeks to respond and, in a certain sense, to anticipate the continual changes taking place in communication, with the objective of “communicating the Gospel of mercy to all people” in various cultures. It communicates and interacts through audio, video, text and images on a multi-lingual, multi-culture, multi-channel, multi-media and multi-device plain.
Four thematic areas provide information regarding the activity of the Pope, the Holy See, the local Churches, as well as giving space to world news. ... Vatican News seeks not only to inform, but to bring the hope of faith into all the world and offer a key to interpret facts through the light of the Gospel. Its guiding criteria is “apostolic, missionary, with special attention to situations of hardship, poverty, difficulty” (Discourse of Pope Francis to the Plenary Assembly of the SPC, 4 May 2017).
Franciscan Media - a sponsored ministry of the Franciscan Friars of St. John the Baptist Province
"We strive to inspire a loving world that embraces the Franciscan spirit of harmony, joy, and simplicity. May our resources renew your spirit as we share God’s love in the spirit of St. Francis.
"We offer several free subscriptions, each designed to enrich the spiritual lives of our readers. If you are drawn to words of inner reflection, Minute Meditations could be for you. If you find strength and solace in the lives of the saints, you’ll love our Saint of the Day. If you are looking for a simple way to pray, Pause + Pray can provide an easy structure to create a daily routine. Parents love our Faith and Family resource, which supplements the weekly Mass readings with child-friendly activities, stories, and reflections. On our blog, Franciscan Spirit, you’ll find inspiration for living your faith in the real world.
"Our magazine, St. Anthony Messenger, is widely regarded as a Catholic publication that speaks to both the richness of our tradition and the social issues of our time, and we are a proud publisher of some of the most thoughtful Catholic books on the market. Each and every product we offer furthers our Franciscan mission to encounter a God of love through compassion and connection.
You matter to us. In fact, you are the reason we’re here. May our offerings be a blessing as you pursue the peace and wholeness found in Christ."
Catholic News Agency (CNA) - A service of EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) News
"[CNA] provides reliable, free, up-to-the-minute news affecting the Universal Church, giving particular emphasis to the words of the Holy Father and happenings of the Holy See, to any person with access to the internet. A service of EWTN News, CNA is proud to offer free access to the latest news items for Catholic dioceses, parishes, and websites, in order to increase awareness of the activities of the universal Church and to foster a sense of Catholic thought and culture in the life of every Catholic. ..."
EWTN Global Catholic Network ...
"EWTN plays an important role in Catholic education. Whether you’re seeking to strengthen your faith or striving to increase your devotion, you’ll find a wealth of credible resources, from historical Faith documents to guidance on current Catholic issues."
"EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 43rd year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 global TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 425 million television households in more than 160 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through ... international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; one of the largest Catholic websites in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including Catholic News Agency, “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and several global news wire services; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division."
"Through redemptive Catholic journalism, EWTN News helps advance the Gospel and teachings of the Church by seeking the truth in important stories and events in the lives of Catholics. In providing a trusted resource for Catholic news through the lens of faith, EWTN News bridges a gap which the secular media can’t fill."
Copyright 2009-2024, St. Thomas & St. John Catholic Parish.
Permission to reprint, podcast, and / or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license M-401533. All rights reserved.
A registered Charity number 278742
The Roman Catholic Parish of Brandon and Mildenhall is part of the Diocese of East Anglia covering Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and the Unitary Authority of Peterborough within the Province of Westminster, part of the Catholic Church of England and Wales in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.