Fr Luke writes:
“One of the many joyful and inspiring things I experience as a parish priest is seeing young families come to Mass together. There are so many pressures these days on family life and countless things that compete for the Sunday morning slot that I think it is both a heroic and beautiful thing when I see parents with their children at Mass….No member of the Body of Christ, (the Church) is more valuable or more special than any other. The eldest member, the youngest member, the fittest member, the sickest member are all equal before God and all have their place in the Church. Children and young people are not “the future of the Church” as many people enthusiastically say. Children and young people, along with every other member of the Church, are the present of the Church, the Church of today! As such they must have a rightful place in the public worship of the Body of Christ….
As a Church, as a Christian community, we must always be compassionate. Being a parent is hard, and being a Christian parent is a real challenge in today’s world. Parents must feel welcome to attend Mass with their children, not least because they need to be nourished by the Mass as much as anyone does. Older members of our parish have so much to offer and can be a real support to younger families by acting as spiritual grandparents in the community. All of us, old and young, are members of the one family of Christ and it behooves us to have compassion on each other, especially those who are more vulnerable members of the flock and that can include young families.”
Brief excerpt from: “Please stop saying children are the future of the Church! - Some thoughts on young families in Church.” by Fr Luke Goymour a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.