The feast of St Bakhita (the Patron Saint of Modern Slavery) in February this year saw the Diocese launch a new initiative to tackle what Pope Francis describes as a scourge on the body of Christ.
The number of enslaved souls estimated to be living all around East Anglia is 8,600. In 2022, 746 souls were actually found in modern slavery in the Diocese. The remainder were not found. Pope Francis asks us all to do something about it. A forthcoming CBCEW Webinar on October 15th (1-2pm) during Modern Slavery week is an opportunity to find out how we can all help together.
There are resources and information about how we can all help in small ways on our Diocesan website at or just search “rcdea slavery”.
For more details about the modern slavery initiative in the Diocese of East Anglia or to register for the Webinaron 15th October, please contact Simon at